tirsdag 26. mai 2009
STM #10 by Monica
This was made by my friend Monica (see my latest scrap, the girl in the red hat!!!). She spent a weekend with me and kept me company as my husband was out on a road trip, buying himself a Harley! (Which I'm sure will make some fine scrapping images in the future!). Her contribution to STM #10 was inspired by the text "In a moment of sunshine", or "I en solskinnsstund", and the pictures are from a holiday in Croatia, when Sophie was only 6 months old.

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For noen utrolig herlige bilder!!
SvarSlettTakk for at du (hun)deltar! :)
Hun koste seg veldig med scrappingen denne gangen, og hun har kommet seg raskt etter bare en LO!
SvarSlettSå flott denne var!! Og DE herlige bildene da!!