tirsdag 26. mai 2009
STM #10 by Monica
This was made by my friend Monica (see my latest scrap, the girl in the red hat!!!). She spent a weekend with me and kept me company as my husband was out on a road trip, buying himself a Harley! (Which I'm sure will make some fine scrapping images in the future!). Her contribution to STM #10 was inspired by the text "In a moment of sunshine", or "I en solskinnsstund", and the pictures are from a holiday in Croatia, when Sophie was only 6 months old.

søndag 24. mai 2009
STM #10
lørdag 23. mai 2009
A lift - challenge from STM
This scrap is a lift from STM. The challenge was a bit more free than an origianl lift, as you could lift i.g the text, the picture, the embellishments a.s.o. I chose to lift all but the picture and the text and am happy with the result. I do feel something is missing but can't put my finger on what that is, so if you have any ideas, I'll gladly listen to them!
The lift is of Monica, who is looking at a dragonfly which is sitting on her shoulder. Yes, it is real, if you wondered, but half dead as the cat caught it and proudly brought it in!
torsdag 21. mai 2009
I have been srap-shopping!
And how much fun I have had! I had a small list to follow and ended up buying almost all I wanted and more! The only thing you can't see here is the newest Quick Kutz machine which will be sent to me in July, but buying it now I also got an alphabet for it. Here are pictures of my new treasures!
Lace, labels, some spray thingy, crackle paint and something else.... (I admit I have no idea about twhat half of these things are)
Embellishments, brads and a paper thing to get that "old" look
More embellishments!
Alphabets and sweet labels
Ps: Can you spot the Quick Kutz alphabet???
søndag 10. mai 2009
Scrapping the music, bonus MGP
Scrapping the music challenges us to make a LO inspired by the Norwegian Melody Grand Prix finalists. I was inspired by the song Wig Wam had in 2005, called In My Dreams. The lyrics I chose you can see as follows: "Making all my fairytales come true". This LO is a contribution to the story "Once Upon A Time". The picture is taken at my wedding.

Here my husband is helping Sophie with her contribution. A bit too young to understand what it is all about, my husband and I found a picture where she has drawn her lip up like Elvis, and being Elvis fans, we were lucky to find a text from the Norwegian runner up in 2007. The song "Når vi blir berømt" ("When We Become Famous") by Martin and Johannes. Their song starts with the following text: "We shall become bigger than Elvis". So we personalized it a tad bit and changed out "we" with "I", resulting in the text: "Jeg skal bli større enn ELVIS" or, "I Shall Become Bigger Than ELVIS". This is also my husbands first (and last, or so he tells me) go at scrapping, and I must say I personally love the chain he has used on the photograph of our daughter. It is a bracelet, and the bracelet has been thread through holes made out of hearts! Not even I can get that creative.
So here he is embossing in deep concentration, with a possibly even more concentrated Sophie making sure it gets done right!
lørdag 9. mai 2009
Denne LO'en har min kjære venninne Monica laget som sitt bidrag til STM#9 Bildet er av hennes niese.
This LO my dearest friend Monica has made as her contribution to STM #9. The picture is of her niece.
Denne LO'en er av min mann og vår datter. På LO'en står det "Det er så mye du kan lære meg". Spørsmålet er bare hvem som lærer hva hvem?
Dette er mitt bidrag til STM #9
This LO is of my husband and daughter. On the LO it says: "There is so much you can teach me". Question is is who is teaching who? This is my contribution to STM #9
lørdag 2. mai 2009
National scrapping day

Believe it or not, we have a national scrapping day! Well, America has, but who can stop us from making it an international event?
Scrapping the music (in Norway) is also celebrating this day, and they're doing it in proper scrapping - style! Check out their blog for more information!
So summer is almosgt coming up, which means no more school, and no more homework. Being in my last trimester and haveing my due date in August, I will have enough lazy - time on my hands to scrap scrap scrap. After a years break, I am now slightly back in business, drawing my inspiration from the mothers forum on babyworld (babyverden), where we have a hobbyforum and have small challenges every week. There are som great scrappers in there, and I am especially inspired by this woman: http://www.papirgal.blogspot.com/ When I see work like this I stop calling it scrapping, but art!
These were the woman who got me going in the first place, but there wouldn't have been any scrapping without my precious family. How much I am looking forward to do some blue scrapping after giving birth in August (allthough pink is a looovely colour too!)
fredag 1. mai 2009
A Little Bird Told Me
Groving around in the mothers forum I usually hang out on, a little bird whispered in my ear that I had a few challenges coming up. Following the link it gave me I found the page "A Little Birdie Told Me", a charming page full of challenges which gets your immagination going, and motivates you to give it go by giving out prizes like these:
*A "funky town kit" by scrapsister

*sweet journaling tags from Maya Road (given by dreampaper)

So break out your spring gear, let the inspiration come flowing and join me in scrap - challenges with the rest of Scandinavia!
*A "funky town kit" by scrapsister
*sweet journaling tags from Maya Road (given by dreampaper)
So break out your spring gear, let the inspiration come flowing and join me in scrap - challenges with the rest of Scandinavia!
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